Grange Insurance
Nature of Work
- Assistance with rebranding effort
- Stakeholder research on brand identity
- Executive Branding
Grange insurance is a multi-billion dollar company providing property and casualty and life insurance in thirteen states in the U.S. The company markets primarily through its force of independent agents. Grange undertook a rebranding effort to ensure the company was positioned properly among its changing consumer demographics and agency force. Gallagher developed, planned and implemented the stakeholder research to gauge stakeholder investment and dedication to the brand. This included the name, taglines, and potential graphic elements associated with the brand. Gallagher conducted a series of focus groups throughout Grange’s service area among various constituent groups, i.e., agents, consumers, staff, peers. Gallagher supplemented the focus groups with online/written surveys to yield quantitative and qualitative results. The firm tabulated and presented recommendations to the Grange leadership, which helped guide a successful rebranding launch.
The company also wanted to elevate the profile of its senior team among various internal and external stakeholders. Gallagher Consulting worked with members of the executive team to develop strong personal brands. Gallagher created customized executive positioning plans for each leader. These individual PR blueprints included strategies and tactics to showcase the knowledge and expertise of the leaders through targeted appearances, speaking engagements, networking and detailed media efforts.
Grange successfully expanded its service area and achieved its revenue goals. The company also increased overall awareness of the company and its key executives through high-profile national speaking engagements, board placements, and targeted media coverage.
Gallagher Consulting Group provided the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption the catalyst to move to the next level of organizational excellence through an intensive and creative strategic planning process. By expertly involving all key stakeholders, providing dynamic executive counsel and quickly understanding all the levels and nuances of the organization
— Rita Soronen - President & CEO